Internal Family Systems: A 'Parts' Therapy Journey to Inner Harmony

Have you ever thought "Part of me wants to say ‘yes’ and part of me wants to say ‘no’..."? And then you get stuck in stressful indecision... Parts work can help! It is a very cool therapy approach that can transform your relationship with yourself and those around you.

Today, let’s explore what parts work is, how it operates, and how it can benefit you.

What is Parts Work?

While there are different kinds of 'parts work', I will primarily be talking about Internal Family Systems (IFS), developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz. The core idea of parts work is that our psyche is made up of multiple sub-personalities or “parts.” Each of these parts of us has a distinct role - including needs, fears and urges.

The roles of different parts is diverse. Some of them protect us from pain or rejection or try to keep us safe. For example, a part of you that people-pleases or a part that keeps emotional distance from your partner. These parts often develop as a way to cope with life challenging experiences.

Some hold emotional pain from the past. For example, a fearful child part, or a part that feels shame. Some swoop in and take over when things feel like too much. For example, a part that yells or a part that convinces you to have a drink.

During therapy, we work to build connection, understanding and trust with these different parts of you. Think of it as getting to know the “inner family” within you. By connecting and engaging with these parts, we can foster internal harmony and personal growth.

How Does 'Parts Work' Work?

IFS therapy involves building internal trust and collaboration, unburdening wounded parts and restoring internal balance. The process involves connecting with a 'core self' that leads wth wisdom and oppenness. It is a state of being that embodies calm, clarity, compassion, and confidence.

  1. Identifying the Parts: We start by recognizing the different parts of yourself. This could be through exploring patterns in your life or by simply paying attention to the different urges and feelings within you.

  2. Understanding the Parts: Each part has a story. By listening to these stories, we can understand the part’s purpose and how it has been trying to help or protect you.

  3. Healing and Collaboration: Through exploration and dialogue, we build better internal harmony. We help parts to 'unburden' or let go of some of the burdens they carry.

What is Parts Work Helpful For?

Parts work can be incredibly beneficial for a variety of issues, including:

  • Trauma and PTSD: By addressing and healing wounded parts, individuals can process traumatic experiences in a safe and supportive way.

  • Anxiety and Depression: Parts work helps uncover and address the underlying parts that contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression.

  • Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion: Engaging with critical and self-doubting parts can lead to greater self-acceptance and compassion.

  • Relationship Issues: Understanding and harmonizing your internal parts can improve how you relate to others and manage conflicts.

My Tailored Approach to Parts Work

In my practice, I adopt an integrative approach to parts work. While my methods are heavily informed by Internal Family Systems (IFS), I recognize that each person’s psyche is unique and may require different approaches. We begin our journey together with an open mind, exploring what resonates best with you.

Here’s how I typically practice parts work:

  1. Collaborative Exploration: We enter the process together, as partners. Your insights and experiences guide the journey.

  2. Flexibility: We may draw from various parts work techniques—whether it’s IFS, ego state therapy, or inner child work—depending on what feels most effective for you.

  3. You Drive the Process: The focus is always on empowering you to understand and heal your inner world. You are the expert on your own experience, and my role is to facilitate and support your self-discovery.

  4. Personalized Healing: Everyone’s internal landscape is different. I tailor the approach to fit your specific needs and goals. Whether you’re looking to heal from past traumas, improve your relationships, or cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth, we’ll find the path that works best for you.

In essence, parts work is about building a compassionate relationship with all parts of yourself. It’s a journey of self-discovery and healing that can lead to profound personal growth and inner peace.

If you’re curious about exploring parts work, feel free to reach out. Together, we can embark on a path towards greater understanding and harmony within yourself.


Mackenzie Kinmond, MSW, RSW Psychotherapist

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